Training Courses

6233 - Fall Protection Tower Climbing

Course Code: 6233     Duration: 8hrs    


Climbing towers can be a hazardous job if you don't use proper climbing techniques and fall arrest equipment. This practical program will address aspects of tower climbing to ensure each participant gains the proper knowledge to mitigate potential fall hazards and to feel comfortable working at heights on skeletal structures.

Classroom enrollments are kept to a low number to afford each student the maximum time on the tower practicing the techniques and gaining a level of comfort.

Course prerequisite: 6418 Fall Protection Authorized Person Comprehensive


  • Fall protection oversight - regulatory bodies
  • Fall arrest systems review
  • Work positioning equipment
  • Ladder fall arrest systems
  • Climbing techniques
  • Work planning
  • Free fall distance calculations
  • Clearance requirements

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Target Audience

Workers who are looking for practical training on climbing towers and using fall protection.

Online Course Registration

Call at 1(888)FALL-PRO for more information on availability of this course!

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